"When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence." ~ Ansel Adams

July 24, 2011

Postcards from Turda Canyon and Tureni Canyon in Romania

Deci (incep direct cu concluzia) weekendul trecut la Cheile Turzii si Cheile Tureni a fost unul extenuant, uneori enervant, calduros, amuzant, interesant, pe alocuri presarat cu injuraturi din partea mea cand ma chinuiam sa escaladez bolovanii de pe marginea raului din Cheile Tureni si deja ajunsesem in culmea disperarii ca nu se mai termina odata traseul... Dar a meritat din plin tot chinul fizic. A fost minunat si ma bucur ca am mers si nu am dat inapoi in fata incercarii de a parcurge cu fetele traseul din Cheile Tureni pe care colegii nostri de excursie l-au parcurs in sub 20 de minute sau mai mult in cadrul unei mici competitii. Am iesit nejulita, uda leoarca de transpiratie si zgariata de crengi din aceasta incercare, dar mandra de mine cam am reusit sa o duc pana la capat. (Chiar daca ma plangeam la fiecare bolovan mai dificil. Imi cer scuze fetelor!) Excursia a fost organizata de Casa de Cultura a Studentilor din Targu-Mures.

So (I'm starting with the conclusion) last weekend, at the Turda and Tureni Canyons, was an exhausting one, sometimes annoying one, very warm, amusing, interesting one, sometimes with a few cursing words thrown in the mix on my part when I struggled with climbing the huge rocks on the side of the stream that runs through the Tureni Canyon and when I felt fed up with it all because the end of the trail was still far away... But all that physical pain was worth it. It was just wonderful and I'm glad that I went and that I didn't back down when it came to covering the harsh trail with the girls, a trail which our colleagues on the trip had done in less than 20 minutes, or sometimes more, all part of a little competition. I came out unscathed, covered in sweat and a few scrapes from branches, but proud of myself for being able to finish the task. (Even though I was complaining at every rock that was proving to be a bit more difficult. I'm sorry girls!) The trip was organized by the Student's Cultural Association in Targu-Mures.

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