"When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence." ~ Ansel Adams

August 26, 2011

Cine-i dus cu biscuitele sa vina la Peninsula

Prima zi a Festivalului Peninsula din Targu-Mures. Vroiam sa ii vad pe cei de la Guano Apes si sa ascult "Everything for free" de la K's Choice, singura melodie care imi place si pe care o stiu de la ei. Nici fana Guano Apes nu sunt, nu in sensul in care sunt fana Rolling Stones, BRMC (Oare i-ar putea aduce anul viitor?), AC DC, Iggy Pop si multi altii. Alt concert rock pe gustul meu nu era aseara. Stiu cateva melodii de la ei, dar nu e nimic. Nu simt nevoia sa stiu fiecare vers al melodiilor pentru a ma simti bine pe muzica rock. Ajunge sa inchid ochii, sa ascult multimea cum urla in jurul meu si sa dau din cap dupa ritm. M-am folosit de pass-ul pentru presa ca sa le fac cateva poze din fata scenei. Senzatia a fost incredibila. (Si iata ca am cazut in capcana de care ziceam in postul anterior.) Nu am mai avut niciodata acces in zona respectiva la un festival. Mereu trebuia sa imi las aparatul acasa pentru ca nu aveam voie sa intru cu el la concerte. Ma refer bineinteles la concertele celor de la AC DC si Bon Jovi. Artistii romani sunt mai ingaduitori la concertele lor. Dupa Guano Apes am avut un mic moment de frustrare. Incercam sa gasim o terasa, un cort, orice loc, unde sa putem si noi sa ne manifestam in voie pe muzica care ne place. Credeam ca nu vom reusi sa gasim nimic pe gustul nostrum. Toate corturile punea house, hip hop si alte genuri de muzica asemanatoare. Pana cand… am trecut pe langa Freedom Music Arena. A fost singurul cort unde puneau rock si muzica anilor 80. De acum stiu exact unde merg dupa concertele de la Tuborg Main Stage.
Ma chinui sa imi aranjez gandurile in ordine. Capul inca imi zvacneste de la Tuborg Tropical. Poate ca nu e cea mai potrivita bautura pentru mine. Iar ziua de ieri a si fost una extenuanta.

First day of the Peninsula Festival in Targu-Mures. I wanted to see Guano Apes and listen to K’s Choice “Everything for free”, the only song I like and know from them. I’m not a fan of Guano Apes either, I mean not in the way that I’m a fan of Rolling Stones, BRMC (I wonder if they could bring them to next year’s festival.), AC DC, Iggy Pop and so many others. The Guano Apes concert was the only one to my taste last night. I know a couple of their songs, but no matter. It’s not necessary to know every lyric so that I may enjoy myself. When it comes to rock music, all I have to do is close my eyes, listen to the screaming crowd around me and bang my head. I took advantage of my press pass last night to take a few photos of them. The sensation of being right in front of the stage was incredible. (And apparently I broke the rule I mentioned in my previous post.) I’ve never had access so close to the stage before at a festival. I always had to leave my camera at home because I wasn’t allowed to use it. This is only at concerts of AC DC and Bon Jovi of course. Romanian artists are more indulgent when it comes to this. After Guano Apes we got a bit frustrated while looking for a terrace, a tent, or any other place, where we could all unwind and have a bit of fun while listening to the kind of music that we like. I thought we would never be able to find such a place. Every tent played house, hip hop or similar music. Until… we found Freedom Music Arena. It was the only place where they played rock and ’80 music. From now on I know exactly where I want to go after the concerts at Tuborg Main Stage.
I’m struggling to put my thoughts in order. My head is still throbbing from the Tuborg Tropical I drank last night. It may not be the proper drink for me. And yesterday was and exhausting day. 


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