"When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence." ~ Ansel Adams

August 28, 2011

Iggy Pop and The Stooges

Iggy Pop and The Stooges. Agitatie. Urlete. Sarit. Pogo. Praf. Tuse de la praf. Punk. Prietenul meu si-a pierdut aparatul foto in multime. Apoi a gasit aparatul foto. Canon-ul meu era sa fie rupt in doua cand multimea a explodat la inceputul primei melodii. Am simtit lipsa luxului de a putea fi in fata scenei cu ceilalti fotografi. Dar informatia legata de contractele care trebuiau semnate pentru a putea face lucrul acesta a ajuns prea tarziu la mine. Din multime nu am reusit sa fac prea multe fotografii. Era imposibil sat ii camera nemiscata pentru mai mult de doua sau trei milisecunde. Asa ca m-am retras mai spre spatele multimii. Dupa jumatate de concert chiar am renuntat la ideea de a mai face poze. Devenea frustrant, asa ca m-am rezumat la a asculta concertul.
Concertul…. Aveam atatea asteptari. Nu stiu ce a fost, dar la Kasabian imboldul de a sari si dansa a fost cu mult mai puternic. Iggy a fost superb. Plin de energie si mereu interactionand cu publicul. La fel si cei de la The Stooges. Totusi…
In seara asta urmeaza cei de la Hammerfall si Within Temptation. O sa incerc sa ajung si pe la Vunk si Compact.

Iggy Pop and The Stooges. Excitement. Screaming. Jumping. Pogo. Dust. Coughing from the dust. Punk. My boyfriend lost his camera in the crowd. Then he found it. My Canon almost got ripped in two when the people there literally exploded when Iggy Pop came on stage. I felt the lack of not being able to go with the rest of the photographers in front of the stage. But the information regarding the contract that I was supposed to sing for the Iggy Pop concert in order to have access in that zone didn’t reach me in time. Taking pictures among the crowd proved to be almost impossible. I couldn’t hold the camera still for more then two or three milliseconds. So I started making my way towards the back. After the first half of the concert I gave up on the idea of taking some more photographs. It was getting frustrating, so I just listened to the music and that was that.
The concert… I had great expectations. I don’t know what happened, but the urge of jumping and dancing was much stronger at Kasabian. Iggy was amazing. Full of energy and constantly interacting with the fans. The Stooges also. But still…
Tonight I’m going to see Hammerfall and Within Temptation. And I’ll also try to get to Vunk and Compact.

1 comment:

  1. Eu am ajuns (aproape) in fata scenei pentru cateva minute si nimeni nu mi-a cerut nici o acreditare, trebuia doar sa te misti cu grija prin multime... ca aparatul si skills-urile mele foto nu au reusit decat vreo cateva poze bune asta e alta treaba (lumina cam deficitara, viteza lui Iggy prea mare pentru senzor, agitatia multimii=instabilitatea camerei). Mai mult curaj data viitoare :) si atmosfera e mai "incinsa" cand ajungi in primul rand.
    O peninsulara pt 3 zile
