"When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence." ~ Ansel Adams

May 30, 2011

Mitologie, acrobatie, scantei

Nu imi plac Zdob si Zdub (si uite asa ati aflat ceva despre gusturile mele muzicale), dar am zis ca voi merge totusi la concertul lor din cadrul FITS. Am mers pentru ca dupa ce am lenevit toata ziua aveam chef sa ies dintre cei patru pereti si un tavan. A fost scurt, mai putin de o ora (asta a fost bine), iar atitudinea lejera si vesela a persoanelor cu care am fost m-au ajutat sa indur mai usor melodia “Tiganii”. Cat poate sa nu imi placa melodia aia!
Concertul lor a fost urmat de spectacolul “Helios” al celor de la trupa Malabar din Franta. Sunt o trupa de circ care include in piesele lor de teatru o varietate mare de deghizari. Trebuie sa recunosc ca nu am inteles la ce se referea piesa aseara (poate din cauza berii, poate din cauza ca ma ridicam pe varfurile picioarelor ca sa reusesc sa fac cat mai multe poze). Asa ca pornind de la numele piesei, Helios, si ce imi aminteam eu din mitologia egipteana, am dat un search pe google. (Google is our friend.) “Helios” este povestea nasterii zeului soare din mitologia heliopolitana. Piesa a fost un teatru de umbre, lumini si acrobatii in jurul unei insecte titanice care si-a facut intrarea in Piata Mare pe ritmurile muzicii electronice.

 I do not like Zdob si Zdub (and now you found out something about my tastes in music), but I went to their concert last night anyway. I decided to go because after I’d spent the whole day lazing around I was in the mood to get out of those four walls and a ceiling. It was a short concert, less than an hour (which was good), and the casual and cheerful attitude of the persons and went with helped me to endure more easily the song “Tiganii” (Gypsies). I can’t stand that song!
The concert was followed by the group Malabar from France and their show “Helios”. They’re a circus group and their theatre performances include a great variety of disguises. I have to admit that I didn’t understand what the show was about last night (probably because of the beer, probably because I was to busy standing on my tippy-toes in order to take a lot of photos). So starting with the title and what I could remember from Egyptian mythology I went to google for help. (Google is our friend.) “Helios” tells the story of the birth of the sun god. The performance was one of shadows, lights and acrobatics around a titanic insect which made its way in the Grand Square to the rhythm of electronic music. 

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