Ieri a fost prima zi din cadrul Festivalului International de Teatru de la Sibiu, editia a XVIII-a. Stiati ca e al treilea ca importanta din Europa? Eu nu. Am aflat ieri. Si nu e international in sensul ca participa Romania si Ungaria si atat. Nu, nu, nu. Participa peste 30 de tari din lume! (Mai exact 39, le-am numarat in program.) Din 27 mai pana in 5 iunie in fiecare zi au loc spectacole de strada in orasul vechi si in cetatile si bisericile fortificate din imprejurimi, spectacole de teatru-dans, balet, dans contemporan, teatru de papusi, circ, de lumini, muzica, conferinte, expozitii de fotografie si cate si mai cate. Sibiu e din nou capitala culturala, doar pentru o saptamana si jumatate.
Am mers si noi aseara ca sa il auzim pe Dan Bitman povestind iar de inelul lui dat acum multa vreme cuiva, de faptul ca si baietii plang (dar numai cateodata, probabil cand cineva incearca sa le ia dragostea), si ca in lumea asta banii sunt cei care vorbesc. Apoi a urmat un spectacol de la compania Pan Optikum. Si ce spectacol. Am ramas uimita. Toata Piata mare a fost luminata de artificii. Trupa e specializata in productii de teatru si muzica in aer liber si sunt din Germania. Pentru FITS de anul acesta au pregatit un spectacol superb de acrobatii, instalatii si lumina. Muzica a facut toata atmosfera dupa parerea mea, fara ea ar fi fost doar un banal foc de artificii. Trebuie sa aflu cine a compus-o. Replicile actorilor au fost in germana, dar nu a fost nici o problema din cauza asta. Pentru romanii care nu inteleg germana o doamna draguta traducea fiecare replica in limba romana. Spectacolul se numeste “Transition” si din cate am inteles eu pune in discutie ideea de identitate (flashback la cursurile din facultate).
Yesterday was the first day of the International Theatre Festival in Sibiu, which is at it’s 18th edition. Did you know that it’s the third most important festival of this kind in Europe? I didn’t. Well, I know now. And it’s not international in the sense that only Hungary and Romania are participating. No, no no. Over 30 country around the world are attending! ( 39 to be more exact, I counted them in the program. )Every day from May 27th till June 5th shows will take place on the streets of the Upper Town and in the nearby citadels and fortified churches, dance-theatre performances, ballet, contemporary dance, puppet and circus shows, light shows, music concerts, conferences, photography exhibitions, and so on. For a week and a half Sibiu is once again a cultural capital.
Last night we went to hear Dan Bitman sing about the ring he once gave to a woman, about the fact that even boys cry (but only sometimes, maybe when someone is trying to take their love away), and that in this world money talks. The concert was followed by a show from the Pan Optikum company. And what a show it was. I was pleasantly surprised. The entire Grand Square was lit by fireworks. This company specializes in open air theatre and music productions and they are from Germany. For this festival they prepared a superb spectacle of lights, installations and acrobatics. The music they played during the show made it even more intense. Without it, it would have been just an ordinary light show. I have to find out who composed it. The actors lines were in german, but that wasn’t a problem. For the Romanians who don’t know a word of german a lovely lady translated every line. The show is called “Transition” and from what I understood it discusses the idea of identity (flashback to my university classes).
acuma n-are chiar 70 de tari europa si ai mancat un e. in rest .... super tare.
ReplyDeletete pricepi si la scris si se simt cele cateva multe multe carti citite la viata ta.
Am corectat articolul Mitza..Dar si tu ar trebui sa mai dai cate un spellcheck pe outinmures. Thanks for stopping by!
ReplyDeleteGreat Photos, Compliments!