"When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence." ~ Ansel Adams

June 17, 2011

Goran si Ursul

Ziua a doua din TIFF in Sibiu. Concert Goran Bregovic si apoi filmul Ursul, coloana sonora a filmului fiind semnata de Brejovic. Despre concert nu prea am ce sa spun. Nu e genul meu de muzica. Nu imi place, dar nici nu imi displace. E ok, daca atmosfera e frumoasa. Si a fost. Lumea dansa prin multime, copiii sareau pe umerii parintilor pe ritmul muzicii, lovindui cu palmutele in cap entuziasmati. Am asteptat un suc timp de o ora. Saracii baieti au pierdut jumatate din concert stand la coada sa cumpere bere pentru noi toti. Cata dedicatie... Dintr-o sursa de incredere, am aflat ca la conferinta de presa dinainte de concert, Goran Bregovic si-a exprimat uimirea in ce priveste faptul ca multor romani nu le plac manelele. Personal, a spus ca lui ii plac, si le vede ca un fel de turbofolc. 

A urmat filmul Ursul, cea mai noua comedie a domnului Dan Chisu. Un film presarat cu elemente ce recreaza atmosfera anilor '90: se ia curentul, nu se platesc salariile, strainul cu bani care urmeaza sa fie stors de saraci, ajutoarele umanitare ("gypsy help"), discursul directorului de circ care aminteste de cele ceausiste, masinile straine cumparate second hand din occident (Dar asta si acum se practica, nu?). La un moment dat pe zidul unei benzinarii se vad citate cu "Jos Ceausescu" si alt cuvant mai obscen asociat lui Iliescu. Filmul e amuzant, plin de personaje colorate (si la propriu si la figurat), costume si glume. O calatorie care te duce pe urmele ursului de circ.

Goran and The Bear

The second day of TIFF in Sibiu. A Goran Bregovic concert followed by the movie The Bear, it's soundtrack is by the same artist. I don't have that much to say about the concert. It's not the kind of music I prefer to listen to. I can;t say that I like it, but I also can't say that I don't like it. It's ok, if the mood is nice. And last night it was. People were dancing in the crowd, the children, sitting on their parents shoulders, were jumping to the rhythm of the music and hitting them on their heads with their little hands enthusiastically. I waited for a glass of soda for an hour. The boys, poor them, missed half of the concert because they were sitting in line to get us all beers. Such dedication... From a reliable source I found out that during the press conference before the concert, Goran Bregovic expressed is amazement that not all romanians enjoy manele. He himself likes them and calls them turbofolk.

After the concert we watched The Bear, the newest film by Dan Chisu. A film sprinkled with elements which recreate the atmosphere of the '90: power outages, unpaid salaries, the foreigner that had money and was about to be robbed of it in a subtle way by the poor, humanitarian aid ("gypsy help"), the circus director's speech reminiscent of  Ceausescu, used foreign cars bought from the West (But that happens today as well, doesn't it?). At one point you can see on the side of a gas station the words "Down with Ceausescu" and another obscene word about Iliescu. The movie is amusing, full of colorful characters (both literally and figuratively), costumes and jokes. A journey that takes you on the trail of the circus bear.

P.S.: This is for June 16th.

Claudiu Bleont, Serban Celea, Magda Catone si Alexander Mustata
(Daca am gresit cumva, va rog sa imi spuneti.)

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