"When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence." ~ Ansel Adams

June 12, 2011


Aviz din ultimele stiri: imi place muzica celor de la Alternosfera. Aseara i-am ascultat pentru prima data live. Saream ca doi copii cu mainile intinse sus spre stelele de sticla, simtind vibratiile instrumentelor sub picioare. Un val de bas era purtat prin vene, stropi de lumina ne jucau pe retina. Timpul a trecut prea repede... Ametiti de fericire am pornit spre casa prin noaptea adanca.

Breaking news: I like Alternosfera’s music. I heard them play for the first time last night. We jumped like children with hands held high towards stars of glass, feeling the vibrations of the instruments under our feet. A wave of bass carried through our veins, drops of light played in our eyes. Time passed by too quickly… Dizzy with happiness we began walking home in the deep night. 

(The title of this post is the title from one of their songs.)

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