"When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence." ~ Ansel Adams

June 27, 2011

A short drive away

Sambata dimineata. El pleaca la examen, eu imi fac o cafea tare. Primele doua ore ale diminetii zboara pe langa mine in timp ce savurez fiecare strop de cafea. Deja e amiaza. Ce sa facem azi dupa ce termina cu examenul? Afara cerul e plin de nori care ameninta orasul cu o vijelie. Mi-am amintit de o biserica mai mica aflata la iesirea din oras. Asa ca ne urcam in masina, inarmati cu un trepied, aparat foto, energizante si o pofta de a iesi la iarba verde.

Saturday morning. He leaves to take an exam, I make myself a strong coffee. The first two hours of the morning fly by me as I savor every drop of coffee. It's noon soon. What should we do today after he's finished his exam? Outside the sky is filled with clouds that threaten the city with a storm. I remembered seeing a small church right at the exit of town. So we hoped in the car, armed with a tripod, a camera, energizers and a zest to go for a picnic.

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