"When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence." ~ Ansel Adams

June 8, 2011

Stand pe banca/Sitting on a bench

Ce cool arata bunicutii cu ochelarii de soare. Oare ce a vazut asa de interesant fetita la papuceii ei? Nu stiu daca sunt chiar bunicii ei, dar mie asa imi place sa imi imaginez. Intr-o zi calduroasa de vara doi bunici si-au asteptat nepotica sa iasa de la scoala si au luat-o la o plimbare prin centru. Nu suna mai bine decat: doi batrani stateau pe o banca si o fetita si-a facut si ea loc intre ei?

P.S.: Simt ca sunt in pana de idei. Fotografia e pentru 7 iunie.

The grandparents look so cool with their sunglasses on. I wonder what she found so interesting about her shoes. I don't know if they are really her grandparents, but I like to imagine they are. On a hot summer day two grandfathers picked up their niece from school and took her for a walk through the square. Doesn't that sound better than: two old men sat on a bench and a little girl made some room for herself between them?

P.S.: I feel like I'm out of ideas today. The photo is for June 7th.

1 comment:

  1. placut cadru. prima impresie pe care o lasa este de a pune in evidenta diferenta intre generatii, fiecare cu drumul lui.
