"When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence." ~ Ansel Adams

June 16, 2011

A total eclipse

Of the heart. Nu, de luna de fapt. Aseara am incercat sa fac cateva poze cu amaratul de obiectiv din kit. Ceva, ceva tot a iesit, desi nu se descurca in asemenea situatii. Faza totala a eclipsei a durat 1 ora si 40 de minute. Daca e sa cred ce spune Urania, din cauza eclipsei totale de luna, de azi ar trebui sa incep sa am probleme gospodaresti, la fel si ceilalti berbeci. Hahaha.

Of the heart. No, actually, of the moon. Last night I tried to take a few shots with the kit lens. I manage to get a few that are....ok...Actually, not that good, but what can I do? The lens from the kit doesn't do very well in these kind of situations. The total phase was 1 hour and 40 minutes long. If I am to believe what Urania says (she is a famous astrologist in Romania) starting today I will have household problems, and so will the other Aries. Hahaha.

P.S.This is for June 15th.

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